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    Why good office design matters to businesses

    March, 2019

    The saying goes that “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. However, your office design will be judged by staff, clients and suppliers.  If you have damaged commercial flooring, and scuffed walls, then that will project a negative brand image.

    While sometimes, having the coolest office design might get a little out of hand. You still need to ensure that you are making a good impression by having a great looking office, which reflects the need of your employees.

    1. It projects a company’s brand values

    Guests to your office will form an opinion on what they can expect from interactions with you, by the appearance of the office. If you have an office that has damaged commercial flooring and poor décor, they might anticipate the same lack of pride will carry through to work produced. An office which is clean and well-maintained, is likely to project a positive atmosphere around the work ethics of the business.

    2. It improves staff well being and productivity

    Studies have shown that those working in dark, noisy offices are more likely to suffer from high levels of stress and those in more modern offices lit by natural sunlight will be healthier. Key office design trends around flexible workspaces, Biophilic design, relaxing space etc. all support staff well being, so much so, it is almost a prerequisite to any office refurbishment project .

    A well maintained and good office design can also help with productivity. In a previous blog we looked at the facts and figures that supported the idea that bad office design will actually stifle creativity. So there are plenty of arguments to support a tangible return on investment from good office design.

    3. A good office design attracts key talent

    When recruiting, you’re looking for the best talent.  While money is still a factor in career decisions for employees, the trend is now for a strong work-life balance. If your office is dimly lit with worn out commercial flooring, it doesn’t offer good vibes to prospective talent for your organisation.

    4. Good office design is a great PR tool

    Great office designs often make it into the news and while that might not be something that is easy to achieve, it is worth considering this if the project warrants it. If you can create an office design that is newsworthy, then your brand name will be marketed. This could attract new clients, as well as potential talent to your organisation.

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