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    Project management tools to help you redesign a workspace

    January, 2019

    Many a project management task is made easier with project management tools. This is just as true for redesigning a workspace, as it is for creating a website or a new document. They help with the co-ordination of tasks, assigning responsibilities, and allow for the collection of everyone’s work / input all in one place.

    Here are some of the project management tools we think you might find useful.

    1. Basecamp 

    Basecamp allows you to centralise all communications in one place. Instead of sending emails to various people in your organisation about what type of ventilation or floor insulation you might need, even whether you require safety flooring in certain areas, you can do it all in one place. Then all those with views on the issue can reply in one place and it is easy to refer back to.

    You can also use Basecamp to assign tasks to members of your team, and track their progress. There are also features for setting deadlines and meetings. Those involved in a project don’t have to be in your organisation: you can include suppliers in your projects, for example. There’s also an option to create templates.

    2. Asana

    Asana has plenty of features that make an office redesign easy. You can use previous workflows as a basis for any new project, or start one from scratch. For each project, you can create a list of tasks that need to be done, and assign them to yourself or others.

    Tasks can be posted to shared boards, so others can see where the project is in development. You can also can break requirements up into mini-tasks. There’s even an option to start a new project should one task become too big or too complex.

    Users can keep up-to-date with all information and the progress that matters to them in one place. Email subscriptions can also alert those interested in the progress of the project.

    3. Trello

    When you’re involving people in your workspace redesign who aren’t familiar with project management, you need to offer them a way to communicate without the jargon, or having them look at Gantt charts. Trello is a tool that allows you to involve those without much project management experience. It’s highly visual and intuitive to use.

    Trello uses cards to separate tasks, with each card including a list of relevant tasks. Cards can be repositioned to adjust priorities.

    A great feature of Trello is that when a project is started, an email address is created. Anyone involved in the project can share information by sending it to this email address.

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