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    How to be more creative with carpet tiles

    July, 2019

    Ways to be creative


    If you are looking for ways to be more creative with carpet tiles, look no further! From zoning areas to shape choices, we explore the best ways to use carpet tiles.

    When designing an office space, particularly an office floor, it can be easy to become too focused on the practicality of the space and let creative elements of the design slip. Many designers favour carpet tiles for offices due to their flexibility and practicality but there is a creative side that is worth remembering. Below we explore some fun and practical ways to be more creative with carpet tiles…

    1. Design flexibility

    In many ways, carpet tiles offer a much larger degree of flexibility when compared to wall-to-wall carpet. Because the carpet is modular, it means that different colours and designs can be laid side by side. Advances in production levels result in an ever wider range of colours, shades and designs. Individual carpet tiles that can be used to create endless unique combinations. You can create a uniform design with a single product, or combining different collections, colourways or textures to add variety and diversity. With modular flooring you have the flexibility to bring a vision for a floor to life.

    2. Innovative zoning

    Open-plan offices are increasing in popularity as businesses are ditching their walls in favour of open-space collaborative areas. Carpet tiles can be creatively used in open-plan offices to separate certain areas without the use of walls. For example, carpet tiles in blue can be used in break areas and grey tiles used in collaborative work zones to signify certain office areas without affecting the open-plan design of an office.

    3. Create different ambiences

    Traditional carpet offers numerous ambient and aesthetic benefits; they are warm underfoot, they absorb sound – which can be incredibly handy in busy office environments. All of these benefits are also available with carpet tiles, but there are added advantages of choosing different pile weights and textures as even in an open plan office you can create a more resimercial area for staff to relax.

    4. Vary your shape choices

    When you think of carpet tiles, you will most likely think of square or plank tiles. While there are many benefits to using square tiles, such as the ideas of stability they inspire, many designers fail to consider hexagon tiles for a more creative flooring approach. Hexagons exist in nature, in beehives, for example, making them a dynamic and harmonious flooring option. Plus, hexagons can be cut to fit any room, making this ideal for offices of all sizes.

    If you are looking for carpet tiles of exceptional quality, look no further than Duraflor. Interested to know more about how to use our carpet tiles creatively? Simply get in touch today and we can help you create innovative office flooring for your next design project.

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