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    Collaboration considerations for commercial designers

    December, 2020

    Collaboration tips for commercial designers


    There is no doubt a commercial design project can be challenging and that goes far beyond the choice of materials and regulatory compliance, to finding ways to collaborate with multitude of contractors involved in any given project. We have reviewed some of the knowledge out there, to provide a few collaboration tips for commercial designers when it come to dealing with contractors in the built environment.

    Establish a shared vision

    This important point, features in a number of articles we found, including a framework for collaboration in the construction industry. It is true that without agreement of the project goals, the end results could be confusing or even flawed, but the framework also highlights the need to clearly define the criteria for success, and the role of the collaboration team itself in achieving the goals.

    Establish effective communication

    Establishing a clear line of communication early on is a fantastic way to bring the team together. It is important to set out ideas around budgets, materials and processes at initial briefings, but then timely and considerate communication throughout the project is what will really ensure success. Establishing what that might look like from the outset can also be extremely helpful.

    Plan to eliminate downtime and delays

    When there are lots of people involved in a project, it’s essential to set an exact schedule. That is obvious, but how widespread the delays are may not be. According to one survey we found, 85% of companies said that they had experienced delays on construction projects recently. The same study cited that these delays can increase in the project’s initial price by up to 50%, costing everyone involved money as well as time. Effective communication, pre-planning and involving multiple parties in solution finding should impact positively on this, especially when you already know delays are a likely outcome.

    Know who is in charge

    If there’s a problem or a clash in the schedule, it’s vital to know who is in charge. They can help address any conflicts directly, and give the sign-off on choices. Without knowing who has the final say during a project, you could be waiting far too long to resolve issues.

    Additional information

    RIBA produced a document some time ago for architects on how to work with contractors, you may find this short article provides additional insights on the subject, it is something that will always remain timely, so worth reflecting on.

    How we help

    Duraflor have a wide range of UK manufactured floor coverings in stock for immediate delivery, we also can help by working with both designers and flooring contractors together on a project. We also share a desire to eliminate downtime on a project. Contact us to see how we can be an integral part of the team that gets thins done.

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