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    March, 2020

    At Duraflor we believe protecting lives and saving the NHS are imperative, and we support the many sites that have been closed down to enable this. We also appreciate that some contractors are now supporting important NHS projects and other projects, which are deemed essential. We will of course do everything in our power to help in these circumstances.

    There is obviously a high level of uncertainty in the industry at present and changes are unfolding daily. We are aware that the Construction Industry Council has published a list of circumstances when sites can remain open and they have also issued guidance on site operating procedures.  This is likely to be subject to change. And, while there is no substitute for Government official websites and trusted news sources, it is probably worth monitoring sites such as the Construction Industry Council, who are keen to keep those in our industry as up to date with developments as possible. We will continue to monitor the situation closely ourselves and provide as much information as we can to our customer base.

    Image: Project NHS Nightingale




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